The LWSA runs on its wonderful volunteer base. If you'd like to help out in any way, we can always use volunteers!
Opportunities to volunteer include:
Building and grounds maintenance projects where we all pitch in
Helping to organize and run an event (regatta, dinner, fundraiser, etc.)
Hosting the young sailors for an afternoon at your place for our weekly sailing outing
Race Committee help with officiating races
Joining one of the Committees (Sailing School Operations, Marketing, Merchandising, Communications, Membership, Buildings and Grounds, etc.)
Helping with fundraising and attracting corporate sponsorships
Encouraging new members to LWSA and new kids to the Sailing School
Encouraging friends and neighbors to donate their old boats to LWSA
Serving on the Board of Directors
Help out with the Sailing School, or with Race Committee, event organizing, you name it. You decide how much time and how you can help. Contact us for details.